Package-level declarations


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data class Author(val name: String, val image: String? = null, val socialLink: String? = null)

Represents an author entity with associated information such as name, github link, discords, and more.

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abstract class Catalog : Serializable

An abstract class that represents a catalog, similar to ascrollable row of films in streaming sites.

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data class Language(val languageCode: String)

Represents the language of a provider.

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data class ProviderCatalog(val name: String, val url: String, val canPaginate: Boolean, val image: String? = null, val providerId: String) : Catalog

Represents a catalog used by providers.

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data class ProviderData(val authors: List<Author>, val repositoryUrl: String?, val buildUrl: String?, val changelog: String? = null, val versionName: String, val versionCode: Long, val adult: Boolean = false, val description: String?, val iconUrl: String?, val language: Language, val name: String, val providerType: ProviderType, val status: Status)

Represents the data associated with a provider.

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data class ProviderManifest(val id: String, val name: String, val versionName: String, val versionCode: Long, val updateUrl: String?, val providerClassName: String, val requiresResources: Boolean)

Represents the manifest information of a provider.

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data class ProviderMetadata(val authors: List<Author>, val repositoryUrl: String, val buildUrl: String, val changelog: String? = null, val versionName: String, val versionCode: Long, val adult: Boolean = false, val description: String?, val iconUrl: String?, val language: Language, val name: String, val providerType: ProviderType, val status: Status, val id: String)

Represents the data associated with a provider.

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data class ProviderType(val type: String)

Represents the type of content the provider offers.

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data class Repository(val owner: String, val name: String, val url: String, val rawLinkFormat: String)

Represents a repository. All credits to Cloudstream for the code references.

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enum Status : Enum<Status>

Represents the status of a provider.


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Represents the default media type for the catalog, set to "all". This constant is used when no specific media type is provided.