
data class Season(val overview: String? = null, val name: String = "", val episodes: List<Episode> = emptyList(), airDate: String? = null, episodeCount: Int? = null, val rating: Double? = null, val number: Int = 0, val image: String? = null) : Serializable(source)

Data class representing a season of a TV show.

This class is serializable using both Kotlin serialization and Java serialization.


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constructor(overview: String? = null, name: String = "", episodes: List<Episode> = emptyList(), airDate: String? = null, episodeCount: Int? = null, rating: Double? = null, number: Int = 0, image: String? = null)


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A list of episodes in the season.

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@SerializedName(value = "poster_path")
val image: String? = null

The path to an image associated with the season (optional).

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Indicates whether the season is unreleased. A season is considered unreleased if it has no air date, episode count, and has a rating of 0.0.

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The name or title of the season.

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@SerializedName(value = "season_number")
val number: Int = 0

The season number.

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val overview: String? = null

A brief summary of the season (optional).

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@SerializedName(value = "vote_average")
val rating: Double? = null

The average rating of the season (optional).