Package-level declarations


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abstract class Film : Serializable

An abstract representation of a film.

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abstract class FilmDetails : FilmMetadata

An abstract representation of detailed film information. Deprecated in favor of FilmMetadata.

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abstract class FilmMetadata : Film

An abstract representation of detailed film information.

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Represents the release status of a film.

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data class FilmSearchItem(val id: String?, val providerId: String, val filmType: FilmType, val homePage: String?, val title: String, val posterImage: String?, val adult: Boolean = false, val backdropImage: String? = null, val imdbId: String? = null, val tmdbId: Int? = null, val releaseDate: String? = null, val rating: Double? = null, val language: String? = null, val overview: String? = null, val year: Int? = null, val logoImage: String? = null, val genres: List<Genre> = emptyList(), val customProperties: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap(), val voteCount: Int = 0, val genreIds: List<Int> = emptyList()) : Film

Represents a film search result item.

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data class Genre(val id: Int, val name: String, val mediaType: String? = null) : Serializable

Data class representing a genre (e.g., for movies or TV shows).

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data class Movie(val id: String?, val title: String, val posterImage: String?, val homePage: String?, val backdropImage: String? = null, val logoImage: String? = null, val tmdbId: Int? = null, val imdbId: String? = null, val language: String? = null, val releaseDate: String? = null, val rating: Double? = null, val producers: List<Company> = emptyList(), val recommendations: List<FilmSearchItem> = emptyList(), val providerId: String, val adult: Boolean = false, val runtime: Int? = null, val overview: String? = null, val tagLine: String? = null, val year: Int? = null, val genres: List<Genre> = emptyList(), val cast: List<Person> = emptyList(), val customProperties: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap(), val collection: TMDBCollection? = null) : FilmMetadata

Represents a detailed information of a movie.

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data class Person(val id: Int, val name: String, val imdbId: String? = null, val biography: String? = null, val homepage: String? = null, val character: String? = null, val knownFor: String? = null, val birthDay: String? = null, val deathDay: String? = null, val rawGender: Int? = null, val profilePath: String? = null) : Serializable

Represents a person with details such as name, biography, and professional information.

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data class SearchResponseData<T>(val page: Int = 1, val results: List<T> = emptyList(), val hasNextPage: Boolean = false, val totalPages: Int = 0)

Represents the data returned from a search request.

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data class TMDBCollection(val id: Int, val overview: String? = null, val films: List<FilmSearchItem>, val backdropPath: String?, val collectionName: String, val posterPath: String?) : Serializable

Represents a collection of films as retrieved from TMDB.

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data class TvShow(val id: String?, val title: String, val posterImage: String?, val homePage: String?, val backdropImage: String? = null, val logoImage: String? = null, val tmdbId: Int? = null, val imdbId: String? = null, val language: String? = null, val releaseDate: String? = null, val parsedReleaseDate: String? = null, val rating: Double? = null, val producers: List<Company> = emptyList(), val recommendations: List<FilmSearchItem> = emptyList(), val providerId: String, val adult: Boolean = false, val overview: String? = null, val tagLine: String? = null, val year: Int? = null, val genres: List<Genre> = emptyList(), val cast: List<Person> = emptyList(), val customProperties: Map<String, String?> = emptyMap(), val networks: List<Company> = emptyList(), val seasons: List<Season> = emptyList(), val totalEpisodes: Int = 0, val totalSeasons: Int = 0, val runtime: Int? = null) : FilmMetadata

Represents a detailed information of a TV show.


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The default film source name. Defaults to TMDB.