Obtains resource links for the provided film, season, and episode.
a list of MediaLink objects representing the links for the film.
The unique watch identifier for the film.
The detailed film object of the film. Notice that it is a FilmMetadata and not a Film object, this means that this film object has full details and not just the partial info of it. It could either be a Movie or TvShow.
The Episode object of the episode. Defaults to null for movies.
Use the other getLinks instead that uses FilmMetadata
Replace with
getLinks(watchId, film, episode, onLinkFound)
Obtains resource links for the provided film, season, and episode.
a list of MediaLink objects representing the links for the film.
The unique watch identifier for the film.
The detailed film object of the film. Notice that it is a FilmDetails and not a Film object, this means that this film object has full details and not just the partial info of it. It could either be a Movie or TvShow.
The Episode object of the episode. Defaults to null for movies.